Customer Portal


  • You can give your customers access to their data
  • You control who sees what
  • The access for your customers is separate and secure
  • A responsive design to ensure optimum display also on mobile devices


Allow your customers to view their data without access to or load on the main application.

A separate user administration allows individual control and management of the rights and permissions for each user. Apart from the efficient use of the system this also ensures a high-degree of safety and security.

Since, depending on the installation, access can be directly via the internet, the architecture of the customer portal allows no direct access to your ERAMON CENTER instance and is therefore protected from cyber-attacks.

Responsive Design was used for the GUI to ensure optimal usage across devices.

The customer portal offers a wide range of functions. Below are just some of the highlights:

  • Realtime status of customer portal, also available in graph format
  • Realtime display of current problems
  • Event monitoring
  • Individual reporting (by customer / customer group)
  • Self-administration by the customer
  • High scalability by operating several customer portals at the same time
  • Incorporation of the customer specific single-sign-on (SSO) concepts
  • Access from external portals including continuous validation
  • CI-compliant presentation